Tuesday, 23 October 2007

.......Mr. Mismatch.......

Mr. Mismatch,
why is your tie so black?
your socks so blue,
your glasses cracked?

Take me home to your expanding,
it doesn't stop for nothing no more,
you doubled into your own caricature,
we got the you by the tail of truth,
and the new by the nose of it's youth.

.......She Country.......

Don't you know?
the walking dead don't smell the hoe.
she's sneaky like that,
smiles from head to toe.
she goes sometimes,
to far away lands,
of far away times,
but she knows.
her history is here to stay,
burnt into every flag that waves to the day,
union jack of united cellar souls,
rotten water holes,
Iraqi deathcamp Idahoes,
they shake the hands of fellow foes,
feeling guilty sweat on palms,
that grab for every bit of life and home.
It's gone my friends,
the big bad wolf blew it down.

Monday, 22 October 2007

.......Between Skin and Bone.......

smoke rings round the lips of velvet,
romantic mimetic,
don't lose your place.
you got that space in the vein of pumping love,
leave now, but circle the flesh,
pull the graft of skinless death,
burn the path for glory's sake,
he misses that place of bedded grace,
between the bone and muscle grip.
the one is all,
but sole in shackled shells of coal,
burnt for the black smoke twirl,
twisting our souls into peace,
no bigger than your magnet eyes.
But this stage is current,
it lasts for no longer than a lifetime,
the half blink of a giant.

.......Pity House.......

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Rip the follicle vehicle of vegetal hair,
over the dried machine of cumbersome care,
slow and spitting,
down the road to the "Pity House" drive in,
3 pounds a takeaway,
a bag of sad manic malice,
stenches of malpractice,
who are the parents of these bastard days?
shift the blame to castaways,
they blame the shores today,
born to a beast of moral kidknap,
bearing the child of this vicious life trap,
to be fucked by its own,
to bear the same,
the eggs of Pity House strays.


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Oh the booze of the night,
great bubbles of tiresome booty dances,
flash sticks on champagne glasses.
We danced and pranced, and sipped the night away,
Hunters out for their prey,
Make up faces of clowns with vaginal rounds,
The prey, the prey!
I pounced a few, with whispered eyes to cue,
tough thighs vibrate to musical girate,
cock filled with the juice of mortal pain,
empty, neuron paths of shell skinned brain,

but all was love, and hair stroke nights,
her head on laps of timeless times,
years of build, our construct life,
i touched the hairs i saw from far,
the punctuation of the evening's phrase,
the friend, the girl, and my brainless maze.

time for a black out,
coke was smacked out,
i woke to the empty room of liquor,
of royalty paintings, eyes on my faces,
the noise came as whimpers,
as fucking was a killer,
death of spirit, careless, selfish,
listening to the sour sound of my soultress,
with a hunter of the Celtic temptress,
body juices slipping behind the thin wall,

the sick, of fictional memory construct,
years of padding, adding to our kinship,
the vomit took it, all on to woven Arabic carpets,
i ran for the door of freedom near,
for the night buses of empty sadness,
the muse was at it,
slapping silly kinship into it.
but i was the worst,
perverse with owning the universe.

Monday, 15 October 2007

.....Madman Gain.....

Trot away,
piggy days,
your snorts are heard by all.

The secret swine,
you bide your time,
the ticks and tocks that tower.

Time hasn't come,
for it never was,
we've been here all along.

You knew us well,
you taught us wrong,
Now we know you more,

Thrust above,
by trust fund love,
we care not for gold and gleam,

We see you now,
your sweaty brow,
your shell of guilty lies.

You fed us bad,
trimmed our wings,
we were drunk on madman gain,

Eyes ripped open,
now we're sober,
the old blind date is over.

Sunday, 14 October 2007

.......Smoky Coat.......

Smoke town had me by the throat,
the visitor's always out the boat,
it seemed to rock,
just about afloat,
but now I live,
I eat,
I sleep,
The boat is mine,
my heart,
my coat.

.......Magic Meme.......

Mechanic fonts of men gone by,
under our feet,
we are their sky,
muscle rip,
tissue dipped,
into magical meme of fictional times.

.......Metro Looks.......

Metro looks,
and vacant books,
shy eye silver flutter,
atmos cut of the juicy pie,
left to right, my hips fly by,
I hit her side,
"sorry" I smiled,
her eyes grew warm and mild,
I saw our children,
the perfect stranger,
our perfect feelings,

.......Red Faced Emperors.......

The holiday island summer days,
short and fierce,
for winter is coming,
goodbye my tourist cheers,
i'll miss your red faced burn,
and drunken jeers,
let's grab the time,
before you leave,
we live for you,
and die unclean.

.......Pussy Patting.......

A hundred heads that rocked her side,
yellow pillow of crusty sleep,
from guilty eyes of evil reeped,
junkies for quick pussy patting,
slip, slide, smile to wife and hide,
another skin, another tide.

Saturday, 13 October 2007

.......Blubber Man 4.......

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Womb ripped the belly out,
the tomb ready, rotten, smelly,
all the grace of now, no more,
for the worms are knocking on his door,
suited, booted, strapped with gore,
entrails embarressed, they run to the floor,
and leave the home of the blubber man 4.